Priestley periodic table explorer
Priestley periodic table explorer

priestley periodic table explorer

Lavoisier’s pronouncements of the activity of oxygen revolutionized chemistry. Lavoisier immediately repeated Priestley’s experiments and, between 17, conducted intensive investigations from which he derived the elementary nature of oxygen, recognized it as the “active” principle in the atmosphere, interpreted its role in combustion and respiration, and gave it its name. Priestley was not yet sure, however, that he had discovered a “new species of air.” The following October, he accompanied his patron, Shelburne, on a journey through Belgium, Holland, Germany, and France, where in Paris he informed the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier how he obtained the new “air.” This meeting between the two scientists was highly significant for the future of chemistry. Finding that a candle would burn and that a mouse would thrive in this gas, he called it “dephlogisticated air,” based upon the belief that ordinary air became saturated with phlogiston once it could no longer support combustion and life. Priestley’s lasting reputation in science is founded upon the discovery he made on August 1, 1774, when he obtained a colourless gas by heating red mercuric oxide. The discovery of oxygen and the chemical revolution of Joseph Priestley

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    priestley periodic table explorer

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  • Features include detailed information on each element, details of isotopes and allotropes, details of important compounds, details of reactions with water, air, halogens, and acids, images for each element (300+ images in total), including valence and crystal stucture diagrams, glossary of terms, graphs of important element properties, biographies for the important scientists and element discoverers, view the states of the elements at any temperature (from 0 - 6000k), search through all content, electron shell diagrams of each element (including orbitals), and atomic width diagram. The size, shape, and position of each display can be customized. Each display can be opened any number of times and can show different information. The Periodic Table Explore has a completely new and innovative user interface that allows for an almost unlimited amount of control over the display. Periodic Table Explorer application contains all the elements of the Periodic Table along with images of the elements in their natural state, as well as lots of other information and interactive displays.

    Priestley periodic table explorer